Dancing Toward The Still Point

The Point Of Stillness

I often find it hard explaining what I do….it seems full of paradox.

I love moving….and yet I crave stillness and a sense of peace. My work explores these things seriously but with a lightness of touch.

I teach/share, perform and choreograph dance and I teach/share and practice yoga. In all my work I seek to find an inner space, an opening up and a settling inwards and this is what I hope to share with the many people I work with.

Within my yoga practice I seek to help people find a way of moving mindfully. It is less about arriving in a fixed pose but the journey there….like the breath, the yoga poses are moving outwards and inwards….in a continual dance of stillness.

In the teaching of dance it is the same process of exploring outer to inner, inner to outer, being sensitive to sensation and able to respond so that you find a point of stillness, spaciousness and contentment.

People are often surprised to learn that I work in this way within schools, care homes, hospices, universities…. with people who are young and with people who are old, with those who are fit and well and those who have limiting conditions… 

personal reflections on participatory arts by Paula Turner

When people take a moment away from their busy minds and take a breath……they know just what it is to be in a body,  to be here and now and how utterly fantastically and liberating relieving that can be!

It is far from woolly, hippy trippy escapism……it is something that people want and need.

I see the work that I do as being a reminder of this…..it is delicious and infectious

And speaks for itself.