Why We Dance

One of the delights of a long term commitment/relationship is the sense of achievement and an acknowledgement of the journey taken.....the wrong turnings, the ups and downs...the arrivals and departures...

Grand Gestures have been stepping out together since 2011 and are far more than a dance group. We are a community that moves together in so many ways and which continues to adapt, embrace and celebrate who we are RIGHT NOW

It is true that within our group there are people with complex lives who negotiate pain and discomfort every day . 

However we don't gather to dance because of this and we certainly don't want to be defined by it.

The video captures Grand Gestures doing what they do best - relishing movement for its own sake. It is but a brief moment of a weekly class and yet I was captured by how freely everyone was moving, the ease in which they move forward, turn and change direction, shaping the moment as they travel. It is a great metaphor for life....

As we get ready to take our summer break I feel very grateful for all that we continue to do.

Grand Gestures  - a  rooted community, travelling together from the ground upwards and outwards! Hello world.....